If you find yourself suddenly left in the dark, have an electrical emergency or simply need an urgent job completed you can rest at ease knowing we are around when no one else is, after hours, on weekends, 24 hours a day! We take great pride in our work and aim to always deliver cost effective solutions no matter what your circumstances, and for added peace of mind, all our electricians in Cape Town are qualified, accredited and insured. We offer a wide range of installation, repair and fault finding services and carry a large range of spare parts and components to assist with modern electrical appliance malfunctions. Whenever you find yourself in need of a great electrician, all you have to do is pick up the phone and give us a call on 087 550 1913. We have no restrictions for you on when to call or which day, we are just at your service everyday every week each hour. We also work on public holidays and at nights and even at an emergency requirement, we can reach your place for your rescues within minutes. Visit us at www.bestelectricians.capetown for more details.