LEDworX LED lighting will provide significant electricity and lamp maintenance savings, long-term reliability and enhanced “user friendly”, crisp light quality.
Benefits of LED lighting include:
LED lighting consumes up to 80% less energy and lasts over 50 000 hours (11.5 years at 12 hours per day, 7 days per week) which eliminates costly bulb (and ballast) replacements for years to come.
- LED lighting emits very little heat, thereby reducing air conditioning cost and reducing energy for cooling purposes in fridges, cold stores and deep freezes.
- LED Lighting provides beautiful light that approaches natural sunlight. Any heat generated is not in the infrared (IR) or ultraviolet (UV) part of the light spectrum which will help produce to stay fresher longer so it looks enticing as it would in natural daylight.
- LED lights are designed to eliminate the annoying sideways light glare so typical with traditional lighting – for a headache free, enjoyable user experience.
- LED Lights contains no Mercury or any other toxic elements.
- LED lights do not flicker or trigger sudden autistic seizures.
- LED lights are completely environmentally safe and all parts are recyclable.
LED is replacing ALL lighting – some interesting facts:
- By 2016, 50% of new lights will be LED.
- By 2030, almost every light will be LED
- Lighting uses 20% of the world’s energy.
- The US has already banned the manufacture of conventional incandescent lighting.